Liana DON, Romania
One of the most difficult aspects of psychotherapeutic practice consist in the necessity and the process of supervision, as a tool for each therapist to assume his practice. Usual in the protocol of supervision , the therapist is the one who manage the case and the hypothesis of the inner, actual and basic conflict.
The five steps intervention in Positive Psychotherapy permit to access and structure all the information about the client problems, which consist in the in all the strategic interventions to solve the
problems or conflicts.
Creative supervision interventions are suggested to be supportive for psychotherapists. Yet, empirical evidence of the utility of such interventions is limited.
- Supervision is considered an essential element in ensuring quality care in the therapeutic field
- Supervision begins while therapist are in their training programs, and often continues throughout
their professional lives - Supervision addresses the goals of learning how to conceptualize cases, utilize appropriate techniques
and develop a theoretical orientation (Bernard & Goodyear)
Power Point presentation here.